Friday, November 11, 2011

Be like Jacob and demand a blessing

Introduction to the Devout Life, Part II, Chapters 1 to 9
Containing Sundry Counsels as to Uplifting the Soul to God in Prayer and the use of the Sacraments
7 November 2011
English-speaking Group:
Fr John Christy, Fr Arokiadoss Lourdusamy and Fr Mackley Gomes

The Necessity of Prayer
Like water that washes, quenches, heals and facilitates growth, Prayer is the life giving source for the Spiritual life. The mental prayer of Jesus is the model for us. Prayer places us in the presence of God. One hour of meditation, rosary, vocal prayer, etc., are necessary in the spiritual journey.

A short Method of Meditation. And first, the Presence of God, the First Point of Preparation
The presence of God can be felt in many ways, 1. Placing oneself in the presence of God asking him to help (David in Ps. and Jacob insisting to bless combat with God).  2. Feel the presence of God in our heart and mind (David: the strength of my heart, Paul in Him we live, move and have our being). 3. God pervades form above, looks on us. 4. God is ever present amongst us in the Blessed Sacrament.

Lake view at Salesian Retreat of Siloam, north of Shillong
Tips for an effective and enjoyable Meditation. Invocation, the Second Point of Preparation. The second part is a beautiful invitation to make a enjoyable meditation.  The Third Point of Preparation, is representing the Mystery to be meditated to Your Imagination. Using the gift of fantasy and imagination. Visualizing the mysteries like birth, crucifixion and death of our Lord. In this the soul manifests it’s affection to God and to the heavenly things.

The Third Part of Meditation, Affections and Resolutions. This part insists on the gain of the meditation. A good meditation always ends with a concrete resolution. It helps the person grow. It makes one to be in union with God throughout the day.

The Conclusion and Spiritual Bouquet. A well made meditation is a spiritual Bouquet. It has the flowers of thanks giving, act of oblation offered to God through affection and resolution, and petitions.

Belgaum hibiscus for a spiritual bouquet
Concerning Dryness in Meditation. There are moments when the meditation seems dry, uninteresting and difficult. These are moments of temptation to drop the meditation. But we are called to imitate and implore like Jacob, “I will not let you go, If you do not bless me” the man who fought with God for the blessing. The cananite woman who persisted with Jesus even if he tried her patience.

Summary by John Christy
Photos by Joe Boenzi

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